Programs Tailored


You are unique and so are your health goals and challenges. Here are the different ways I work with you.

The natural, science-backed, doctor-approved nutrition course to get healthy, for good

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Private sessions

You can slim down your looks while feeling amazingly perfect.

One on one coaching sessions to discover underlying root causes and lifestyle habits that are impacting your or your kid’s health


Do you want to lose weight and keep it off, while eating food that tastes amazing?

Are you sick of being bloated, gassy, and dealing with digestive issues on the regular?

Do you want to lose weight and keep it off, while eating food that tastes amazing?

Are you ready to feel amazing, again?

Do you want to normalize your blood pressure, cholesterol, or HbA1C and prevent chronic disease?

Are you ready to leave exhaustion and moodiness behind you?

Restore Your Health Program

You can slim down your looks while feeling amazingly perfect.

Three-month package or six visits coaching sessions to discover underlying root causes and create lifestyle habits that will positively impact your health. This plan includes:

One 60-minute intensive health history consultation to better understand your health journey and goals. Together we will explore the areas of your health you want to focus on and co-create an initial wellness plan.

Five bi-weekly 50-minute sessions to put the plan into action, making small long-lasting changes in your lifestyle and diet.   

Post- session follow-up email with a visit summary and outlined weekly plan of action.

Weekly newsletters with cooking tips, recipes, sleep, stress, or exercise guidance.

Ongoing support through email and text is also offered.

This program is suitable for the person that:

Has struggled with overweight and obesity.

Presents with persistent muscular or joint pain, affecting one or several regions.

Has difficulty completing their daily activities pain free.

Feels overwhelmed and confused with food information and facts.

Has trouble changing old habits despite good intentions.

Wants to experience pain relief by modifying lifestyle habits.

Has children that struggle with overweight, chronic disease or neurological conditions.

Small Group Wellness Coaching

You can slim down your looks while feeling amazingly perfect.

A comprehensive 6-week course that will cover the pillars of functional medicine: Nutrition, sleep, stress, exercise. A small group of ten or less people working together in lifestyle goals to improve our health.

Benefits of this model:

Connectedness and support from people experiencing similar health struggles.

Learning from other’s experience and the wisdom each member contributes.

Increased accountability and wellness awareness.

1-hour weekly coaching calls via video-chat. Upcoming dates and time.

Virtual Pantry Make-Over

What a better place to start eating healthier than your pantry.

Your pantry can be nourishing, or it can be filled with toxins, chemicals, and preservatives.

I will educate you about cleaning out and restocking your pantry and fridge, so you can make your kitchen a safe zone.

Here’s a look of what else you will learn:

How to read nutrition labels and ingredients lists properly

Detox your shelves from added and hidden sugars

How to replace old, harmful items with nutritious food

Nutritious facts that will lead you to better food choices every time you go grocery shopping

I will provide you with a list of essential healing pantry staples and fridge items, along with some of my favorite’s brands.